Chinese herbs
The materia medica of Chinese medicine is rich and includes whole plants, roots, leaves, seeds, fruits, bark, even insects, minerals or shells. For simplicity and convenience, "herbs" or "phytotherapy" are the most commonly used terms.
Herbs have a long healing tradition in Chinese medicine. They are used as medication but also as an integral part of a diet which aims to maintain the body in a state of harmony. They are classified by their different attributes:
- their taste (acid, bitter, sweet, pungent, salty),
- their nature (hot, lukewarm, neutral, fresh, cold),
-the organs/meridians on which they act (heart, spleen, lungs, kidneys, liver).
Each of these characteristics refers to a specific function and use.
Ginger, for example, is pungent in nature, and therefore disperses and circulates. It is active on the lungs, spleen and stomach, hence its effectiveness for nausea and vomiting, as well as cough. But because it is warm in nature, it is particularly suitable for cases of colds having caused such symptoms.
Through complex or even surprisingly simple mixtures, sometimes thousands of years old, these herbs help to fight common ailments (like cold) just as more serious illnesses, whether chronic or acute.
They are either dried to make decoctions, or prepared in the form of powders, capsules, or tablets.